Toasted Comfort Food & Cocktails 5201 Nicholson Dr Ste F
Specialty Cocktails
March Milkshake
Available for a limited time. Rum, vanilla ice cream, & mint blended to creamy perfection, topped with whipped cream & chocolate chips.
$12.00 -
Blueberry Cheesecake Boozy Milkshake
Vanilla Vodka, Rum, Soft Serve Ice Cream, Blueberry Puree, Cream Cheese - topped with Whipped Cream & a Cherry
$12.00 -
Strawberry Basil Lemonade (Seasonal)
Citrus Vodka, Fresh Strawberries, Fresh Basil & Fresh-Pressed Lemonade
$11.00 -
100% Agave Reposado Tequila, fresh lime juice, Squirt Grapefruit Soda
$13.00 -
Watermelon Margarita
100% Agave Reposado Tequila, freshly squeezed lemon & lime juice, Agave Nectar & Watermelon Puree
$11.00 -
Spiked Iced Tea
Citrus Vodka, Fresh-Made Sweet Iced Tea, and your choice of Peach, Passion Fruit, or Strawberry
$9.00 -
Hand Crafted Bloody Mary
Our proprietary blend of spices is delicately crafted by our Executive Chef to make your morning as comfortable as possible.
$10.00 -
32 oz. Roadie$19.98
32 oz Spike Tea Roadie$16.98
Gallons To Go
Watermelon Margarita Gallon-Freshly Squeezed
A Full Gallon Of our Freshly Squeezed Citrus and Watermelon blended with 100% Agave Tequila
$74.00 -
Spiked Iced Tea Gallon
One Gallon of our House Iced Tea with Citrus Vodka and your choice of fresh purées-
$59.00 -
Paloma Gallon
A Gallon of this refreshing classic with 100% Agave Reposado Tequila, fresh lime juice, Squirt Grapefruit Soda
$79.00 -
Strawberry Basil Spiked Lemonade Gallon-Freshly Squeezed
A Gallon of our in-house favorite with Citrus Vodka, Fresh Strawberries, Fresh Basil & Fresh-Pressed Lemonade
$74.00 -
Bloody Mary Gallon
One Gallon of our House Bloody Mary. Our proprietary blend of spices is delicately crafted by our Executive Chef to make your morning (or evening) as comfortable as possible.
Smoked Salmon Crostini Appetizer
French Baguette, whipped Goat Cheese, Red onion, Capers, Smoked Salmon, fresh Dil & Seasonal Balsamic Glaze
$9.00 -
New Orleans Omelette
Chef Corey's Roast Beef Debris, American, Gouda, Muenster cheeses, mushrooms, red onion & red peppers topped with tomato, sour cream & chives served with mulit-grain toast
$13.00 -
Double Ham & Cheese Omelette
Honey Ham + American Cheese topped with Canadian Bacon, sour cream, & chives
$11.00 -
Veggie Omelette
Our perfectly cooked omelette made with Muenster Cheese, red peppers, mushrooms, red onions, tomatoes & topped with sour cream & chives
$11.00 -
Brunch Sandwich
Canadian bacon, seared tomatoes, field greens & Pimento cheese with fried eggs on a toasted Belgian Waffle (on the sweeter side) & paired with a farm salad.
$12.00 -
Eggs Benedict$12.00
Brunch Salad$10.00OUT OF STOCK
Eggs Marigny$13.00
Hot Chicken and Waffle Brunch Sandwich$12.00
Side of Toast$2.00
Toasted Croissant$3.00
Waffle on the Side$4.00
Main To-Dos
The Basic
American, smoked Gouda, Muenster on Sourdough with our Toasted spread & dusted with Parmesan & Romano cheeses
$9.00 -
The Breesy
American, smoked Gouda, Muenster, our New Orleans roast beef debris on Sourdough with our Toasted spread & dusted with Parmesan & Romano cheeses
$12.00 -
The Crab Rangoon
Our crab Rangoon, American & Muenster cheeses on Sourdough Toasted spread & Chili crisp, drizzled with chili sauce & dusted with Parmesan & Romano Cheeses
$13.00 -
The Pimento Cheese
American & our smoked Pimento cheese on Sourdough & dusted with Parmesan & Romano Cheeses
$10.00 -
The Tigerbait Club
Smoked ham, smoked turkey, smoked gouda & American cheese, spring greens, tomato, Toasted Spread all on a grilled croissant & served with a side of Creolaise
$11.00 -
Hot Tai Chicken & Pimento Grilled Cheese
Chicken cracklins & Pimento cheese tossed in a Hot Tai Sauce on sourdough dusted with parmesan